

2020 Year-End Checklist

It is officially the fourth quarter, and while many cannot wait until the “unprecedented times” of 2020 are over, there is still a bit of housekeeping you will likely want to do before ringing in the New Year. Check these items off your financial year-end checklist before year-end to help keep you financially on track for 2021:


Giving Thanks and Giving Back

As COVID-19 continues to shape our lives and our future, many Americans give thanks and give back to others less fortunate during this pandemic. Some have had personal experiences that lead them to ease others’ financial stresses by providing directly or through other institutions. Donors are giving to resolve the inequities in our society that others are facing during this

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2020: A Timeline Recap

2020 has been unlike any other thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, our strange stock market, and social unrest leading up to the Nov. 3rd Presidential Election. This timeline recap is for you to see what we have already been through as we look toward a brighter future as we assess what we have learned from this year: